Below you will find our calendar of events and descriptions of events. Note that the Google Calendar displays event times adjusted for your current time zone. All event descriptions are given in EST time.
Spring 2025 Poetry Workshops
Writing About Art: Francisco Goya
Wednesday, April 9th, 11:15am-12:15pm, In Person, Room L305
Constrained Writing Workshop
Tuesday, April 15th, 3:30pm-4:30pm, In Person, Room L305
Environment Poetry
Wednesday, April 23rd, JSQ
Thursday, April 24th, NHC
The Poem Inside the Text: Erasure Poetry
Friday, April 25th, 12:30pm-1:30pm, Remote
Classical Literature: Writing Circular Metaphors
Monday, April 28th, 2:00pm-3:00pm, Remote
Fall 2024 Poetry Workshops
Constrained Writing: Forcing Language Out of the Comfort Zone
November 20th 9am-10am, In Person, L306
Writing with constraints can help push your creativity to new levels. Learn some techniques for writing in a new way.
Shared Expressions: The Mathematics of Poetry
November 21st 2pm-3pm, REMOTE, via Webex
Investigate the relationship between math and poetry and learn how to write poetry using mathematic ideas and principles.
Webex Link:
Writing About Art: Observation and Metaphor
Dec 4th 2pm-3pm, In Person, L406
Learn some strategies for observing works of art and using poetry to create metaphors out of their visual language.
Poetry Workshop: Erasure and Formal Poetry
December 6 1pm-2pm, REMOTE, via Webex
Create your own poems by erasing parts of an already existing text, finding the poetry that already exists within.
Webex Link:
Spring 2022 Student Art Exhibition and Presentations
May 13th - 10am-4pm - Dineen Hull Gallery, 71 Sip Avenue, 6th Floor Library Building
HCCC celebrates the talents of our community with a bi-annual student exhibition presented by the Dineen Hull Gallery, Artist Talks, Research Presentations and Ekphrasis Readings, followed by an artist reception with food and drinks.
Friday, May 13th, Presentations 10:00 AM | Reception 1:00 PM
Dineen Hull Gallery
71 Sip Avenue, 6th Floor Library Building